Operation: Hart of Darkness
A guerrilla landing
on Hart Island in the name of peace and discovery
up sailing the waters of Manhasset Bay in the Long island sound I would always
ask my father about that giant smoke stock peeking from that odd, lonely
island. “It’s a potter’s field, cemetery for strangers” he'd say, as he quickly
passed over the subject and pointed out the beautiful sunset (he loved to go
sailing at magic hour). It always carried the allure of the unknown to me.
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Manhasset Bay, Long Island Sound - Not too far east of Manhattan Island. |
is the history beyond the potter’s field that makes Hart Island so fascinating.
Below is a condensed time line of its history to bring you up to speed.
*1654 - Thomas Pell buys a large track of land from Siwanoy
Indians, Including the now known Hart Island.
*1774 - Pell
heirs sell the land to Oliver DeLancey.
*1776 - Maps start referring to the landmass as Hart Island.
In July, America is founded.
*1863 - The 25th Calvary muster in. The earliest known
recorded mustering on the island of Union recruit units in the Civil War.
*1864 - The Hart Island regiment will see action at the fall
of Petersburg on April 2, 1865. It will pursue Lee's army from April 3 through
April 9 and be at Appomattox before, during and after the Confederate surrender
on April 9, 1865. These soldiers will give their life for the union of a young
* 1865 - The final prison established by the Union for
Confederate soldiers opens. 235 POWs will perishe there.
* 1868 - The City of New York purchases Hart Island for use
by the DOC to operate a City Cemetery.
* 1869 - 45 acres at the north opens as a Potter's Field on
April 20. The first person interred is Louisa Van Slyke, aged 24.
* 1870 - Yellow Fever epidemic hits New York. The southern
part of the island is used to isolate those infected.
* 1877 - The NYC Army Reserve constructs a monument to honor
the Union Civil War soldiers and sailors interred on the island.
* 1895 - A
branch workhouse is established for drug addicts and aged or infirm inmates. It
will remain in use until World War II.
* 1916 -
Remains of some Union troops who died on the island are removed to the Soldiers
Cemetery in the Bronx.
* 1941 - The remains of another group of Civil War dead are
disinterred, this group being removed to a Cemetery in Queens. . . . During WW
II, the Island is turned over to the Navy for use as a disciplinary barracks
for Navy, Coast Guard and Marine personnel. The closest WW II will ever get to the shores of America comes
when three Nazi Sailors surfaced in a U-Boat near Long Island. They are taken
as POWs to Hart Island.
* 1946 - Hart
Island is returned to the DOC and the jail is reactivated.
* 1948 - Inmates erect a 30-foot high “peace” monument in
center of the
burial site to the north to honor the unknown dead.
* 1955 - United
States Army Air Defense Command declares use of the north
end to operate
its Nike missile battery. Site NY-15 is opened.
* 1966 - Site
NY-15 is closed. Planning begins for using the island to
rehabilitate drug addicts. Phoenix House will thrive there
until 1976.
* 1982 - Housing for a small contingent of inmates opens.
* 1991 - Inmate housing ends but cemetery operations
with day work units from Rikers to bury the dead.
* 2012 – 900,000 call Hart island their final resting place.
Professor Murray Makes a landing based in peace and discovery with a noble crew
of explorers.
forward 20 years from sailing with my father under an orange sky to me sitting
on a friend’s boat set on a course for Hart Island. It was a beautiful, sunny
morning in September and the wind carried a couple of seagulls past the boat.
The smell of the brisk salt air ignited my senses. I love a fresh fall morning.
Our mission: to land on Hart and conduct an exploratory journey in hopes of
discovering, for ourselves, some forgotten American history – right in our own
backyards. History that our local government, for a variety of reasons, wants
kept from us.
soon as our craft cleared the shore of Cow's Neck and turned west out of
Hempestead harbor, Hart came into view. My friend points out “It's sunny and
beautiful everywhere, but look at the dark gray clouds hanging over the Island”
very eerie indeed.
boat took us as close as we could get, perhaps 100 feet from the northern tip
of the island. While six of us made the cruise out, two would stay aboard the
boat and provide mission support via our two-way radios and use of the on-board
satellites and radar while four of us, including myself, would land on the
island to explore.
We hit the water and started to swim over. The weather was mild and the swim
was easy, something we came to appreciate later. After a few short minutes in
the water, I felt my feet touch down on the rocky shoreline. It felt good to
put feet onto solid ground and to know that I was standing on the Island
cloaked in so much mystery. As we started to move forward we knew we needed to
get off the beach as soon as possible to avoid detection. Moving as quickly as
we could, we climbed over rocks and made our way past the remains of at least
five or six wrecked motor boats (The entire shore line of the island is
littered with these abandoned boats). From the moment we stet foot on this
place a foreboding aura settled around us. These once pristine boats, once used
to provide fun for families and friends, now sitting dormant as corrosion, rust
and desolation takes hold.
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In 3D! (Red and Blue old school glasses!) |
plan was to explore the main structures located mid-island (Power plant, church
etc) and then move north to explore the cold war missile silos (from the Ajax
program established by the army in 1956) , Peace Monument (1948) and original
potters field from 1869.
we walked down the road a pair of geese trotted directly in front of us, as if
they were leading us to our next destination. Appearing beyond a copse of trees
to our left was the stone structure that I believed, based off information
gathered from readings, to be the Civil war era stables. Upon reaching the
structure, however, the intelligence I had gathered was called into question.
The plaque on the front of the building reads “1910” in roman numerals. I am
not sure if this structure dates back to the civil war with an added plaque in
the Teens or if is a replica building that was actually built in 1910.
Anyways, we snapped some photos, explored the area and carried on.
Video of the Geese leading the way
While the wind danced around the trees and greeted us with much gusto, we reached the Dynamo Room, built in 1912. Home to the power plant, huge turbine engines and the towering smoke stack I had seen as a child.
“dynamo” is an electrical generator that produces direct current with the use
of a commutator. Dynamos were the first electrical generators capable of
delivering power for industry – ushering America into the industrial
revolution. The dynamo uses rotating coils of wire and magnetic fields to
convert mechanical rotation into a pulsing direct electric current. There shall
be light!
Dynamo room provided electrical power to the island for decades until they
ground to a rusty halt sometime in the distant past. All of the electrical
hardware is still intact, giant levers on the walls, enormous cables that once
carried thousands of volts of electricity lay moldering on the floor. The
rooftop had decayed over decades of neglect and in places the steel gray sky
was visible above, and the occasional tree grew up from the debris. As we
pondered the area for a moment a light drizzle begins, we knew we needed to
move forward with our exploration.
to the sky, all I saw was gray. I did miss my friend the sun, but what better
way to investigate a creepy old island then on a creepy overcast day. We hung a
right and head down a dilapidated path to one of the Phoenix house buildings
(phoenix house was the re-purposed use of the buildings for drug
As we made our way into the first floor we see that the entire area is filled with file cabinets, boxes of documents and all kinds of paper work strewn about. No proper filling system seemed to be in use as mold festers.
We crack open a few of the record books – daily logs from the on-goings when the Island was used as a prison for inmate overflow in the 1980's, A point in time where New York City will experience some of it’s highest crime rates. We spend some time going through the record books, looking for interesting tidbits of information. As the smell of mold starts to become too much we go back outside for some fresh air, the drizzle has picked up a bit but no concern to us, we are on a mission of discovery!
As we made our way into the first floor we see that the entire area is filled with file cabinets, boxes of documents and all kinds of paper work strewn about. No proper filling system seemed to be in use as mold festers.
Opening the door to the Phoenix House
We crack open a few of the record books – daily logs from the on-goings when the Island was used as a prison for inmate overflow in the 1980's, A point in time where New York City will experience some of it’s highest crime rates. We spend some time going through the record books, looking for interesting tidbits of information. As the smell of mold starts to become too much we go back outside for some fresh air, the drizzle has picked up a bit but no concern to us, we are on a mission of discovery!
we make our way over to the Chapel and Pavilion building we heard a crackle on
the radio, It was our boat's
captain - “how you guys making out over there, over” he says “doing fine, you
guys?” says my other buddy back to him. “Taking a look at the radar, small
storm headed our way, proceed with caution”. Looking up at the Westward sky we
saw dark clouds on the horizon. “Roger that”, we replied.
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in 3D! |
The rain picked up a
bit. Thankfully the tree covered area we currently found ourselves in would
provide some shelter while we decided to wait out the rain before moving north.
We take some more time to explore the Chapel (built in 1935) and Pavilion
building (Built in 1885) originally an insane asylum for women. More photos are
snapped as we try to piece together the story of Hart Island by using these
amazing ruins as plot points.
Vines have taken over this lamp post.
a 360 degree view of mid island, Downtown Hart.
term potters field is an interesting one. It dates back to the first testament
in Jerusalem where, literally, a potter – a man who made pots for a living,
sold a vacant plot of land next to his home for the town to bury their
unclaimed dead – thus the term Potter's Field for a public cemetery.
of the things that caught our eye were these white PVC pipes sticking out of
the ground, pipes with numbers on them - and they were everywhere. What could
they be? We asked our selves. As we moved in closer for a better look a gust of
wind blew a distinct smell right into our face – We knew right then and there
what these pipes were venting. I will say at this point I started to become very
queasy. It was a sobering moment, as we realized we were standing directly in
the middle of the most recent burial area. Until this point it was all fun and
games – exploring war memorials and ruins from a bygone era – but this was
real, this was the harsh reality of what goes on here.
We shared another moment of silence for the poor souls that call this their final resting place. No one deserves this, an unmarked pine box with a pipe venting the rest of your mortal remains into the atmosphere. Each venting pipe symbolized the resting place of 150 people. One of the interesting things we found was a utility table used by the inmates.
We see some cartoons drawn, Homer, Bart and Peter Griffin – evidence of wanting to mentally escape the situation they were in. We decided we had enough of this section, the rain started to pick-up even more as my buddy sayid “It's gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets better.”
We shared another moment of silence for the poor souls that call this their final resting place. No one deserves this, an unmarked pine box with a pipe venting the rest of your mortal remains into the atmosphere. Each venting pipe symbolized the resting place of 150 people. One of the interesting things we found was a utility table used by the inmates.
We wish them peace.
We see some cartoons drawn, Homer, Bart and Peter Griffin – evidence of wanting to mentally escape the situation they were in. We decided we had enough of this section, the rain started to pick-up even more as my buddy sayid “It's gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets better.”
headed back north to the Chapel and Pavilion building. We spent some more time
in that area. I will say it is starting to get a little chilly now, We have
been wet and damp in our cloths for more than 2 hours at this point. Shelter is
needed! We find a small door on the side of the church and head inside. This
has the makings of a horror movie right here. I always found it so ironic that
old churches really creeped me out. These places, originally built with good
intentions as the “house of god” look as if they harbor menacing lost souls
when they fall into ruins.
floorboads creaked in these doorless chambers, strange and mysterious sounds
echoed through the halls. The air was deathly still as motes of dust float by
the few beams of light that found a way in. This is a time when ghosts would be
present. Luckily for us, we didn't come across any (or did we?) I kick
something on the ground, not sure what it is, I picked up this small metal
Later when we are home we do some research and figure out it is actually a tear gas canister. The church had scores of these canisters in and around the area. What was this from? What happened there so many years ago? I guess we will never know for sure. My friends and I speculated these gas canisters are from one of two events. Maybe there was some sort of prison uprising in the church and this tear gas was used to control the out break or maybe when the prison was finally closed in 1991 a few guards thought it would be fun to fire these off before they left their final tour of duty on Hart.
this point the rain has pick up and is in full force. I am trying to keep my
phone and camera dry and while using my shirt as a dry rag... we heard another
crackle over the radio. “I am showing severe weather headed our way, radar is
reporting a tornado warning for our direct vicinity, you guys should start heading
back to the boat.” “Dammit” I cried out. We would have to cut the trip a bit
Our plan was to move North and investigate the missile silos, peace monument and original potters field but it was not to be done on this day. The weather had turned on us and we quickly knew we had a small window of time to get back to the boat before all hell would break loose. My buddy shouted to us “Lets get our shit together and get the fuck out of here.”
Our plan was to move North and investigate the missile silos, peace monument and original potters field but it was not to be done on this day. The weather had turned on us and we quickly knew we had a small window of time to get back to the boat before all hell would break loose. My buddy shouted to us “Lets get our shit together and get the fuck out of here.”
start to hurry, cramming gear back into our bags as we jog back to the beach.
Our trip had come to and end so quickly I commented, my Buddy said “The trip
ain’t over until we’re back on that boat.” I knew at this point it was going to
be difficult to reach the beach where we landed, too many rocks to climb over
and the weather wasn't improving, time was slipping away. We radioed back to
the boat and asked them to come to a closer beach to our current location.
Unfortunately the boat would not be able to get as close to the island because
of rocks but at the point we didn't care.
A final goodbye to the lost buildings of Hart.
brought a plaque with us to leave on the island, inspired by the plaque the
Apollo astronauts left on the Moon missions. We wanted to mark that we had come
to this place, in the name of peace and discovery. We found a suitable place
for our plaque and on we went. Since time was of the essence we decided to take
a shortcut through one of the older burial sites. I stepped lightly, aware that
the current use of vents in the new burial areas pointed to the fact that older
burial sites that may have caved in due to gas pocketing. Older burial grounds
didn't have the vents. I feared that at any moment I would step right into some
soft earth and fall right into a grave. Luckily, this didn't happen and we made
it to the beach.
The storm was in full force at this point, everything was grayed out around us. We could see the boat about 400 feet from the beach. This was going to be a more challenging swim back (considering now my backpack was full of loose bricks and other archaeological samples for studying in my laboratory) we crashed into the water and start to paddle over. The water is damned choppy, waves hitting me in the face, swallowing more salty water than I would have liked. About two minutes into swimming, not moving as fast as I would have wanted, the boat seems a million miles away as a current start to make me drift westward...away from the boat. I started to get a little nervous at this moment but I kept my mind straight and just paddled towards that boat, saying to myself “slow and steady wins the race (or gets your ass back to the boat alive!)” and when I reached that boat and placed my arms on the side to bring myself up it was one of the most satisfying feelings of my life. My friend described my face at this moment as one of the most intense, primal faces of determination and survival he has ever seen.
Actual footage of the waters we just swam back to the boat in.
I was happy to be on that boat but sad to be off the island, there was more to see. We fired up the motors and started to make our way. About three minutes after getting on the boat the storm picked up to it's optimal strength. My buddy turns to me and says “It’s almost as if that island was kicking us out. It put up with us for a couple of hours and then just said fuck you its time for you to go. We don't want you here anymore, souls are trying to rest!” I looked over at him and I knew there was a large part of me that felt he was right. That island is aware.
will never forget my trip to hart Island for the rest of my life. A place the
majority of people will never see or even know about. But for that one morning,
for that small sliver of time, my friends and I were the keepers of that
island, we walked the paths that carried so much history, we took in the sights
and the smells (for better or worse). Four living people amongst 900,000 lost
souls. As we said good bye to Hart Island, I will keep the memory of these
unknown people in my heart for the rest of my life and wish them peace in
Thank You from myself and wife. Your documentation of the "hidden place". I am sure that many are forever in your debt. It is an example of real public service.
ReplyDeleteI was a resident of Phoenix House in 1970-1971. Then it was a vibrant place. I never knew the vast history of the island, Very interesting. Seeing your photos has brought mixed memories of the island. It was an eerie place. We used to see human bones scattered by dogs that went to the graveyard.
ReplyDeleteI found you blog to be very interesting oh Hart Island.
ReplyDeleteI am a former NYC Corrdction Officer..back in the 1980's..I had to make a number of trips to Hart Island,to retrieve an inmate for Court or Attorney visit.I was always fascinated with Hart Island but never did any real research.Officers I knew who worked there over the years..would tell me stories about kids sneaking on the Island at night to get high or make out..often times the kids would get caught by patrol boats from Dept.of Correction,Coast Guard or NYPD.But the old timers would also tell stories about strange noises coming from the cemetery as well..you did a great job
ReplyDeleteAndrew Roane
Retired NYC Correction Officer
4-10-2020 drone video covid 19 pandemic coffins buried on Hart Island